The best time to travel to India is from October to March. The temperatures are mild and the risk of raining is very less.
India having an area of more than 3,288,000 km² temperatures varies from region to region. So it’s very important to check the weather condition you are planning to visit.
India has tropical & sub-tropical climate; the climate varies depending on the region where you are. The North is relatively dry and the South more humid.
In India, winter is from October to March. From the month of April the temperatures increase rapidly until the monsoon arrives from the month of June (in the South of India) and from July / August (in the North of India).
Ideal time to travel: between April and July
Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Sikkim and the North East.
This region with high mountains, the winter period is very harsh. To visit these regions, it is best to visit during the period from April until the end of July.
Best time to travel: October to March
To visit Rajasthan and the genetic plains the best period extends from October to March. During this period the climate is dry and the temperatures are mild which varies between 10 to 20 degrees. Except between 15 Dec. to Jan 15 when temperatures drop to 0 to 5 degrees.
Best time to travel: October to March
In South India, the climate is tropical. The best time to visit the south is from October to March. The climate remains dry and the temperatures remain mild. The period between 15 October 15 to 15 November could see some rains coming from the Bay of Bengal.
What to put in your suitcase for your trip to India:
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